Web1 or the "static web," was a read-only platform that provided basic information in a one-way communication.

Web2, or the "dynamic web," was a more interactive platform that allowed for user-generated content and two-way communication.

Web3, or the "decentralized web," is a platform that runs on a blockchain and provides a more secure, transparent, and trustless internet.

Web1 was centralized and controlled by a few entities, while Web2 was more distributed and democratic.

Web3 is fully decentralized, meaning that no single entity controls it and all users have equal rights and responsibilities.

Web1 and Web2 were designed primarily for human-to-human interactions, while Web3 enables machine-to-machine interactions as well.

Web1 and Web2 were vulnerable to censorship, surveillance, and data breaches, while Web3 provides stronger privacy and security measures.

Web3 introduces new concepts such as smart contracts, dApps, and DAOs that were not possible before.

Web3 aims to democratize access to data, resources, and decision-making, enabling a more equitable and inclusive internet.

The transition from Web1 to Web2 was gradual and evolutionary, while the transition from Web2 to Web3 is expected to be more disruptive and revolutionary.