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Stroom Raises $3.5M for Liquid Staking on Bitcoin Lightning Network

Stroom Raises $3.5M by web3oclock

Bitcoin, the king of cryptocurrencies, has a lot going for it. It’s digital gold, a store of value, and a groundbreaking technology that has revolutionized the financial world. But like any king, it has its limitations. One of these limitations is the scalability issue. This is where the Lightning Network comes into play, and recently, a project called Stroom Network raised a whopping $3.5 million to bring liquid staking to the Bitcoin Lightning Network.

In this blog, we’re going to break down what this means, why it’s important, and how it could potentially change the game for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

Understanding the Lightning Network

Before we dive into what Stroom Network is all about, let’s quickly understand the Lightning Network.

Bitcoin transactions, as we know them, are recorded on the Bitcoin blockchain. However, the blockchain has limitations in terms of the number of transactions it can process per second. This has led to slower transaction times and higher fees during periods of high demand.

The Lightning Network is a second-layer solution built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. It’s like a superhighway for Bitcoin transactions, allowing users to conduct transactions almost instantly and with significantly lower fees.

The Liquidity Challenge

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter – the liquidity challenge of the Lightning Network.

In simple terms, for a Lightning Network transaction to happen, there needs to be enough “liquidity” in the payment channels. Think of liquidity as the fuel that keeps the Lightning Network running smoothly. If there’s not enough liquidity, transactions can be delayed or even fail. This is where Stroom Network comes in.

Introducing Stroom Network

Stroom Network is a project that’s all about bringing liquidity to the Lightning Network. They do this through a concept called “liquid staking.”

Liquid staking is a process where you lock up your cryptocurrency (in this case, Bitcoin) to support a network and, in return, receive a different token that represents your staked position. This process injects much-needed liquidity into the network.

What makes Stroom Network even more interesting is that it allows users to use their Bitcoin capital simultaneously on both the Lightning Network and Ethereum. This is a big deal because it connects two major players in the cryptocurrency space.

The $3.5 Million Investment

Now, let’s talk about that $3.5 million investment Stroom Network recently secured.

This investment came from various sources, including crypto investment firm Greenfield, venture arm Mission Street of Ankr, and others. It’s a clear sign that the crypto industry recognizes the importance of solving the liquidity challenge on the Lightning Network.

With this funding, Stroom Network plans to expand its team and release the Liquid Staking Token on the Ethereum mainnet. This means that the project is gearing up to bring even more liquidity to both the Lightning Network and the Ethereum ecosystem.

Why Does This Matter?

Now, you might be wondering, “Why does all of this matter?”

Well, first and foremost, it helps address one of the biggest hurdles to the widespread adoption of the Lightning Network. By bringing liquidity to the network, more transactions can happen quickly and efficiently. This is a significant step in making Bitcoin more scalable and usable for everyday transactions.

Moreover, the ability to use Bitcoin on both the Lightning Network and Ethereum opens up new opportunities for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. It allows users to explore DeFi (Decentralized Finance) opportunities and potentially earn yields on their assets.

What the Experts Say

Slava Zhygulin, the Chief Technology Officer of Stroom, emphasized the importance of liquidity allocation. He stated, “We are confident that a well-managed liquidity allocation will drive adoption and result in higher yields.” In fact, Stroom Network projects a potential increase to a sustainable 6% Annual Percentage Yield (APY) in the near future.

Zhygulin also believes that this approach simplifies the process of earning Lightning routing fees while contributing to Bitcoin’s scalability. It streamlines the complexities associated with managing a Lightning node and introduces mechanics from the DeFi realm.

The Bigger Picture

The integration of the Lightning Network into major cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance and the ongoing exploration by Coinbase are also indicative of the growing importance of second-layer solutions like Lightning.

Binance recently completed its integration of the Lightning Network, allowing users to leverage its benefits for Bitcoin withdrawals and deposits. Similarly, Coinbase’s CEO, Brian Armstrong, has expressed interest in incorporating Lightning, recognizing its potential to boost Bitcoin payments.


The recent funding of $3.5 million for Stroom Network is a significant milestone for the Lightning Network and the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem. It addresses a critical challenge, enhances the scalability of Bitcoin, and opens up new opportunities for users.

As cryptocurrency continues to evolve and mature, innovations like liquid staking and Lightning Network integration pave the way for a more efficient and user-friendly financial landscape. So, keep an eye on projects like Stroom Network because they could very well shape the future of digital finance.


1. What is the Lightning Network, and why is it important for Bitcoin?

The Lightning Network is a second-layer scaling solution built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. It addresses the scalability issue of Bitcoin, which can only process a limited number of transactions per second on its main blockchain. Lightning Network allows for faster and cheaper Bitcoin transactions by creating a network of off-chain payment channels. These channels enable users to conduct transactions almost instantly and with significantly lower fees. This is important for Bitcoin because it enhances its usability for everyday transactions, making it more than just a store of value, and potentially paving the way for mass adoption.

2. What is liquid staking, and how does it work in the context of Stroom Network?

Liquid staking is a process where users lock up their cryptocurrency (in this case, Bitcoin) to support a network, and in return, they receive a different token that represents their staked position. In the context of Stroom Network, liquid staking is used to bring liquidity to the Lightning Network. Users stake their Bitcoin on the Lightning Network through Stroom, and in exchange, they receive a token that represents their staked Bitcoin. This process injects liquidity into the Lightning Network, addressing one of its main challenges. Users can also simultaneously use their staked Bitcoin on the Lightning Network and Ethereum, opening up new opportunities for DeFi and yield generation.

3. How does Stroom Network plan to use the $3.5 million it raised, and what are its goals for the future?

Stroom Network plans to utilize the $3.5 million it raised to expand its team and release the Liquid Staking Token on the Ethereum mainnet. This means they intend to further develop and scale their project. Their ultimate goal is to address the liquidity challenges of the Lightning Network and enhance Bitcoin’s scalability. They believe that well-managed liquidity allocation can drive adoption and result in higher yields for users. Stroom Network envisions a potential increase to a sustainable 6% Annual Percentage Yield (APY) in the near future, which could make Bitcoin even more attractive to cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

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