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IRS Provides Clarity on Crypto Staking Rewards: A Beginner’s Guide to Taxation

IRS Provides Clarity on Crypto Staking Rewards by web3oclock

If you’re involved in the world of cryptocurrencies, you might have heard about “staking” and the potential to earn rewards. Staking is a process that allows users to participate in the validation of transactions on proof-of-stake blockchains and earn rewards in return. However, recent guidance from the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has shed light on an important aspect that crypto investors need to consider – staking rewards are taxable income.

What is Crypto Staking?

Before we delve into the tax implications, let’s briefly understand what crypto staking is. Staking is a mechanism used in some blockchain networks to achieve consensus and secure the network. Instead of using the traditional proof-of-work (PoW) method, where miners use computational power to validate transactions, proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchains rely on validators who “stake” their tokens as collateral to participate in block validation.

In return for their participation and contribution to network security, validators receive staking rewards. These rewards are typically in the form of additional cryptocurrency tokens. Staking has become popular as it offers a way to earn passive income while supporting the network’s operations.

IRS Ruling on Staking Rewards

On July 31, 2023, the IRS issued Revenue Ruling 2023-14, providing clarity on how staking rewards should be treated for taxation purposes. The ruling states that staking rewards are considered part of the taxpayer’s gross income, and they should be reported in the year they are received.

For cash-method taxpayers who receive crypto as staking rewards, the fair market value of the rewards should be included in their annual income. It is essential to determine the value of the rewards at the time they are received.

Understanding “Dominion”

To determine when staking rewards are taxable, the IRS introduced the concept of “dominion.” Dominion refers to the time when the taxpayer gains control and the ability to sell, exchange, or dispose of the received cryptocurrency rewards. At this point, the rewards are considered part of the taxpayer’s income.

For example, if you stake your tokens on a PoS blockchain and start receiving staking rewards, the value of those rewards at the time you gain control over them must be included in your taxable income for that year.

Applicability of the Ruling

The IRS’s ruling applies to both direct staking on a PoS blockchain and staking through a centralized crypto exchange. If you use a third-party exchange that offers staking services and receive staking rewards through them, the fair market value of those rewards should still be included in your taxable income.

Implications and Considerations

The IRS’s stance on taxing staking rewards is in line with its approach to taxing crypto-mining rewards. While the ruling might not be surprising to some, it’s crucial for crypto investors to understand their tax obligations to avoid any potential penalties or issues with the IRS.

Here are some essential considerations:

  • Record-Keeping: As a crypto investor, it’s vital to keep meticulous records of your staking activities, including the date and value of received rewards. Having accurate records will simplify the process when it comes to filing your taxes.
  • Tax Software or Professional Assistance: Calculating your crypto taxes can be complex, especially if you engage in various activities like staking, trading, and mining. Consider using cryptocurrency tax software or seeking help from a tax professional experienced in handling crypto-related matters.
  • Estimated Tax Payments: If you receive significant staking rewards throughout the year, you may need to make estimated tax payments to avoid underpayment penalties. Consult a tax professional to determine whether you need to make these payments.

Staking rewards can be an attractive way to earn passive income in the crypto space. However, it’s crucial to remember that, according to the IRS, these rewards are taxable income. As a responsible crypto investor, it’s essential to be aware of your tax obligations, keep accurate records, and consider seeking professional tax guidance when needed. By staying informed and compliant, you can navigate the world of cryptocurrencies while ensuring you meet your tax responsibilities.


Are crypto staking rewards taxable income according to the IRS?

Yes, according to the recent ruling issued by the IRS (Revenue Ruling 2023-14), crypto staking rewards are considered part of the taxpayer’s gross income. Taxpayers are required to report these rewards in the year they are received.

How should I determine the value of my staking rewards for tax purposes?

The fair market value of the staking rewards should be included in your annual income. This value should be determined at the time you gain “dominion” over the rewards, which means when you have control and the ability to sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of the cryptocurrency rewards.

Do the IRS guidelines apply to staking rewards received through third-party exchanges offering staking services?

Yes, the IRS ruling applies to both direct staking on a proof-of-stake blockchain and staking through centralized crypto exchanges. If you receive staking rewards through a third-party exchange, the fair market value of those rewards should also be included in your taxable income.

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